H4All CIO provide free Wellbeing services connecting people to services in their local community. These services are for Hillingdon residents aged 18 or over that need support to better manage long term health conditions, frailty, social isolation and to bring people into greater contact with their local community.
Triage - Wellbeing Service
As part of the first stage of being referred into the Wellbeing Service, our Triage workers investigate any concerns clients may have and offer appropriate and timely information and guidance on issues such as access to services, aids and adaptations, social clubs, activities, and care needs. We signpost clients to appropriate services and help them to identify whether they need further interventions.
Where appropriate our Triage team will refer people to our Wellbeing Support Officers, if people have been identified as needing further intervention beyond the initial triage stage.
Wellbeing Support Officers (WSO)- Wellbeing Service
Once people are triaged, H4All Wellbeing Support Officers (WSO) aim to help the wider population that need support to better manage long term health conditions, frailty and social isolation.
A WSO can arrange a home visit if people have accessibility issues or complex needs that may cause barriers to people acting on the guidance offered by the WSO. They will complete an assessment form to help identify the support needs of the person. WSO's can offer clients emotional support and the time they need to speak comfortably about issues that are important to them, work with clients on practical solutions through linking them to appropriate services.
Wellbeing Support Advisors (WSA)
H4All Wellbeing Support Advisors (WSA) are an integral part of the expanded Neighbourhood Care Connection Teams that deliver an integrated model of care which aims to support the 2% of adults most at risk of hospital admissions.
Much like our Wellbeing Service, this service aims to support people through assessment, support planning, and onward-referral to empower them to ‘Self Manage’, to remain at home and support the early identification of issues not previously recognised.
WSA's work directly within locality primary care networks. Referrals to this service can only be made through GP surgeries. If you feel you meet the criteria, please speak with your GP surgery for appropriate referral to this service.
To learn more about Primary Care Networks click here.
High Intensity User Service
The High Intensity User (HIU) Team supports a small number of people who have higher than normal usage of local urgent care services. Our HIU officers aim to support these people through providing social solutions to non-medical problems, health coaching, emotional support and to help create a support network.
With the aim of reducing unnecessary attendances and admittance's, the team work collaboratively with professionals central to the patients care including; multi-speciality clinical teams, GPs, London Ambulance Service, London Borough of Hillingdon Adult Social Care, Community Mental Health Teams, IAPT services, Metropolitan police and broader third sector providers.
Referrals to this service can only be made through Hillingdon A&E if people meet the criteria.