H4All work with community groups and organisations that support people in so many ways; luncheon clubs, art groups, good neighbour schemes and health related groups. We see the positive impact they have in creating a safe environment where people can talk, laugh and share experiences. As an organisation, we are focused on making sure that everyone has somewhere to go and share what is important to them.
We offer advice and support for existing organisations and groups who feel they could support more people but are unsure of how to increase their capacity or find enough volunteers to help them. Maybe you are someone with a great idea or concept for a group but simply don’t know where to start, we can help you.
VCSE Sustainability Support
Our Community Development team boosts the sustainability of the local VCSE by providing training, signposting, and bespoke support packages.
We help those smaller charities and community organisations who provide essential support and services to the vulnerable residents of LB Hillingdon.
We also run the borough’s leading voluntary sector networking forum, the Health & Wellbeing Alliance, meeting quarterly and publish our Hillingdon Community Voice e-bulletin six times per year.
In addition to sector support, the Community Development Team delivers a number of programmes.
For more information, please contact community@h4all.org.uk
Community Champions
Community Champions are volunteers who share key health messages to residents, participate in community events, create campaigns and programmes based on resident need and help to improve local services.
Research has shown messages spread by ‘word of mouth’ is one of the biggest influencers for behaviour change and also shows that a ‘top-down approach’ cannot address the root causes of poor health and wellbeing. Community Champions receive nationally recognised, accredited training.
There are monthly peer support sessions, as well as ad hoc support from H4All’s Community Development Team. This voluntary role can lead to great opportunities for the individual in terms of professional development and employability.
To find out more, please contact Naomi Lloyd-Barling at community@h4all.org.uk
Funded by the GLA, Help4Hillingdon provides advice in community settings in LB Hillingdon.
The partnership is comprised of four organisations: H4All, Bell Farm Christian Centre, Citizens Advice Hillingdon and DASH. H4All leads on partnership development, promotion, monitoring and reporting. Bell Farm Christian Centre, DASH and Citizens Advice Hillingdon provide advice services to tackle inequalities in foodbanks and special schools.
Issues presented include benefits, money management, debt, utilities and fuel poverty, family issues, housing, immigration, food poverty, access to white goods, school uniform costs, fraud, bailiffs and adult safeguarding.
Drop-in sessions are held at the following foodbanks:
St Anselm’s Church, Hayes UB3 4DF
Every Wednesday 12.00 – 2.00pm
St Gregory the Great Church, Victoria Road, South Ruislip HA4 0EG
First Saturday of the month 12.00 – 2.00pm
Emmanuel Church, High Street, Northwood HA6 1AS
Second Friday of every month 11.00am – 1.00pm
St Matthew’s, The Vicarage, 93 High St, West Drayton UB7 7QH
Every Friday 12:00 – 2:00pm